Sunday, September 30, 2012

Swishy Survived!

Owen, Swishy, and the outfit she made for him :)
When I picked Owen up from school Friday she got in the car and said, "I have the BEST NEWS EVER!" Then she proceeded to pull Swishy, the class pet fish, out of her bag. Each child gets to take Swishy home for the weekend and take pictures and journal about their weekend with him.
You might remember our prior experiences with the same Swishy when Anna Clare was in Kindergarten. We lost him not once but twice. So needless to say, I've been a little nervous this weekend. But as of right now on Sunday afternoon we are in the clear. Here are some pics from the weekend..

Owen's friend Claire invited her to Moe's Friday night.  She was thrilled to take Swishy along.
Owen wanted to take Swishy to her favorite restaurant after church--Piccadilly.
Taking Swishy to her soccer game on Sunday afternoon
See you next time, Swishy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

10 months

I can't believe we are closing in on a year! What a joy this sweet boy is. He is into everything though thankfully showing no signs of walking any time soon. He loves "patty cake" and "this little piggy." No words yet....just "aaa aaa aaa" all the time. That's all he says but he says it all the time. It cracks us up. I gave the opening at CBS this week and spoke about our children's program. I used him as a visual for the first part and told the ladies that I was a speech pathologist by trade and "aaa aaa aaa" clearly means, "I love CBS." He was a hit with them for sure.

 We had a small disaster at the beach. A nightmare. Or as Steve called it...a Wubbamare.

Wubba fell apart. And all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Wubba back together again. If you missed his love for Wubba, you can check out the video here My sweet sister-in-law gave us an identical Wubba back-up but he will not be played for a fool. He totally knows the difference. Now he sucks on the green paci and holds and rubs the dirty little animal. He will play around with the back-up but when it's time to get serious, he wants the real deal. Make that deals. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this mess, we are listening. Happy Weekend!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back to School and the Beach!

4th grade for Anna Clare!
So excited about her sweet teacher!
Opening her kindergarten letter
And Kindergarten for Owen!
We are all thrilled that she has the same wonderful teachers Anna Clare had!
She wanted to dress "just like Sissy did when she went to Kindergarten." Anna Clare was so proud she ran and grabbed this picture and asked me to take their pic. :)
Whew! I'm only about a month late posting those. Between getting everything ready for the children's program at CBS to tackling a twice-a-year consignment sale and tagging clothes every free chance I got, the last few weeks have been CRAZY! But all that tagging will be worth it soon I hope. I've been saving for a surprise for the girls for over a year. I can't say just yet because Anna Clare gets on here occasionally but I think they will love it!

 And an update on Steve...We went to the neurologist in Birmingham and things went really well. They squeezed us in for a same day MRI and it and the blood work all came back normal. Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow! The doctor offered to leave him on his current medication and dosage or switch him back to Tegretol...Steve's choice. He decided to stay on the Keppra for now. He was afraid he was on a really high dosage but the doctor said it was a very normal dosage. That gave him some peace of mind I think. He also agreed with everything our neurologist is doing here, including doubling his dosage, which was some wonderful affirmation. Should he have any more problems on the Keppra, he will definitely go back to the Tegretol. But as my friend prayed over me last week, we are claiming no more seizures in Jesus' name! Thank you for your prayers. The girls and I have a little trip coming up in the fall and the original plan was for Benton to stay home with Steve. After the seizures I've been VERY anxious and worried about leaving them. But my mom and mother-in-law are coming to help out and I'm so grateful for that. We were able to slip away to the beach this past weekend, and it was very relaxing and refreshing to get away...just out little family of five :) I'll leave you with a few pictures..