Friday, September 12, 2008

Confused and Conflicted

Not really. Well, maybe a little. When you ask her who she "goes for," she will tell you...

My Mama goes for Auburn.
My Daddy goes for Mississippi State (and Alabama).
My Papa and KK go for Alabama.

"But, who do you go for?" "I don't know."

She has Auburn crocs and Alabama crocs, an Auburn cheerleader outfit and an Alabama cheerleader outfit. Whatever she gets that is Auburn, my parents are right there to bring in the Tide. So, today, in honor of the grandparents, she wore Bama to school.

Speaking of football, there is a big game this weekend in the old "house divided." I better make sure that cowbell is hidden...


MIMILEE said...

Your little one sounds as confused and conflicted as my grandchildren are! With Auburn DADS (my sons) and Alabama MOMs! They express it the same way too...."Goes for"....Hopefully we will be able to convince them to GO FOR AUBURN!
Hope so!
Thanks for visiting my blog!

papa said...

Papa wants to stroke a Tuscaloosa tuition check immediately :) She's one of the three sharpest 'Bama girls ever (remember that her mom and her aunt also wore the Crimson at that age - but her mom pulled a fast one on us at the last minute!) I love you, Anna Clare.

Papa (rtr)

Lydia said...

Ohh! She is so cute! Jacob will be confused too since the Parkers Roneys are AU fans, the Wrights are UA fans, and Tommy and I both graduated from UA!

andi said...


Tonja said...

Well, I think that just makes her an 'all-around girl!' It is always so cute to see the girls in their outfits!

Lindsey said...

Roll Tide AC!!!
And I hate the cowbell. :)

Heather said...

ugh ... my kids are conflicted b/t UGA and AU ... T thinks he will get a spanking if he utters the WORD "War Eagle", he won't wear Orange ..... A.C. says that her favorite is Auburn -- to which T says that only girls like Auburn.

That thrills my brother-in-law from Auburn!

she is PRECIOUS!

Denise said...

NOOOOOOO....ha ha ha

courtney said...

HAHA. Our family one big football mess. This is going to be the problem when me and Sam have kids. We're Gators and so is his family, but mom's side is Bulldogs, and well daddys side is all kinds of messed up lol. Hey at least shes trying to please everyone though =) Cant wait to see which one Owen goes with ;)