Monday, July 19, 2010

A.C.'s Birthday

Anna Clare turned 7 BACK IN MARCH and I am just now posting pictures. I have lots of catching up to do.

We did a combined "cheerleading" party with her lifelong friend, A.B. The girls had a blast! We had two "real" cheerleaders come to the church gym and teach the girls cheers and a dance routine.

In the words of these girls..."Turning Seven Rocks!"


Jamie said...

How cute! Love that you had "real cheerleaders" come. I bet the girls loved that! Call and let's get together soon to catch up!

~k said...

Oh my gosh! CUTE CUTE idea, but I bet seeing all of that orange and blue was killing your family! HA!

Lydia said...

That is such a creative bday party! Great job! I still can't believe AC is 7!!! ;-)

Melissa said...

What a great party idea! Love the Auburn outfits! Love the new blog design, too!

Denise said...

I'm loving all that auburn gear!! your new blog is so cute too!

Papa said...

UH - UH - UH. Is it Proverbs 22-6 that says, 'train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it?' Don't dress those girls that way - they may grow up to be 'tigerettes' are something. At least let my little Owen have an opportunity to make up her own mind. Papa (RTR)