Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Thankful for him, Thankful for today

As far behind as I am on blog updates I just couldn't let today pass without publicly stating how thankful we are for this day. After this experience last February and then hoping we were in the clear only to go through it again four months later in July, we are so, so grateful that today marks six months of being seizure free for Steve. Praise the Lord!
Six months is the length of time you are supposed to wait to resume many normal activities that could put someone with epilepsy in serious danger (i.e. driving, swimming, bike riding, climbing, HUNTING,). It's pretty much medical clearance to resume normal, everyday life. In other words, I told him he could legally do many of the things he's been doing for a while now :) I realize this doesn't guarantee he will never have another seizure. I still pray every single day that he doesn't. But it sure does let you breathe a little easier. It's also a pretty good indicator that his medication and dosage are working well for him, and it gives us a little more confidence in a drug that we were unfamiliar with a year ago. Thank you Keppra and modern medicine!
I am so thankful for this man. I am thankful for his love for me. I am thankful for good health, for our children, for our family of five. And I am thankful for friends and family who have prayed with us and for us, who have driven Steve around, who have taken our children here and there, who have taken him hunting (his hunting ministry, as he called it), and who love us. As we were praying together this morning, praising God for his goodness, his faithfulness, his provision, I was reminded yet again how much I need Jesus. For everything. To God be the Glory, Great Things He Has Done.


Wanting What I Have said...

Yay!!! We are rejoicing with and for you. What wonderful news!!!

kkd said...

Wonderful, wonderful news!! Will continue to pray for my sweet friends.

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