Friday, June 6, 2008

Mean Mean Jumpin' Machine

To say swimming lessons were a success is a major understatement! We had a wonderful week and it brings me so much joy to see how much she loves it. I am very thankful to her wonderful teacher, Michelle, and to my friends Emily and Kit for letting me know about this amazing resource. Now, if we can only have such great success next summer with her little sister...


Lindsey said...

I'm so glad everything went well. I've said this like a hundred times to various people; I really wish my SIL would sign her kids up!

andi said...

The boys start their lessons next week! :) AC looks like she was having fun!!!! I am so thankful for the opportunity that they are getting to learn good survival skills! Hope you are having a great summer! Thanks for checking out my blog! It is so fun to see a posted comment. A