Monday, May 2, 2011

Easter pics

Last Easter as a family of four :)

Posing with Butterfinger the Bunny

I am obviously having some margin issues but it is much too late to worry about that now. Will work out the kinks another day..

Thanks so much for your kind, encouraging words and congratulatory messages. I wish I could describe how excited the girls are about this baby. Anna Clare is truly beside herself. Each week she wants me to go online to check the size and developmental updates and apparently she shares that with everyone she comes in contact me. A couple of weeks ago someone came up to me and said, "I hear your baby is the size of a kumquat this week." I love it.

While I am feeling great, I failed to mention I am T I R E D. Like could sleep for days tired. I am expecting that to improve soon since I am only a couple of days away from the 2nd trimester. But I'm not gonna lie...not sure I want it too. I am getting the B E S T sleep of my life! But since I'm sure Anna Clare would appreciate me actually being awake when she gets home from school, I guess it's time to move on :)

Some friends of ours were laughing at us Easter morning in the parking lot at church. I waited to put the girls' dresses on when we got there because they wrinkle horribly and they rode to church in their towel wraps. Our friends said that with a newborn next Easter, wrinkles in dresses will be the least of our concerns. I'm sure they are right. But we can't wait.

Please continue to pray for those affected by the devastating storms. We are so thankful that our family members in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham are safe but the destruction is absolutely heartbreaking. There are some great ways to help out locally, but if you aren't able to do that, please, please pray.


kkd said...

I'm diggin' the big pics! I especially love the family photo.

Konie said...

GREAT pics and so BEAUTIFUL!!!! Didn't know you had a blog! I am A BLOG READER!!!:)))) Just checking my list and saw you on Dona Stickler's:)))) AND just skimmed over some of your posts and saw you are Mrs. CBS!!!! I LOVE CBS!!! Told Ken I needed to talk to someone to sign me up for next year since sign ups are probably already going on here in Bham.:)) Figured they are in Dothan as well. Sure hope I can still sign up:)))))) Since I am so much older than you....I figured if I wrote this to you on the blog, on Sunday someone would refresh my memory to check on signing up:))

Melissa said...

Your pictures are just beautiful! I remember that tired, could sleep for days feeling. Hopefully you'll have lots of energy soon. How sweet that the girls are so "into" everything about the baby...this will be such a special time for all of you!

Denise said...

love these pictures. and the bunny. my girls need to come see him.